Shibari is more than just intricate knots and patterns; it's a journey into yourself. When you're in the embrace of the ropes, you'll feel a rush of emotions and sensations, tapping into your most immediate reactions. But there's another layer — a calm, observing part of you that watches without judgment. In our sessions, you'll navigate between these two experiences. It's not just about physical restraints, but a deeper exploration, an invitation to truly connect with your inner self. Join us, and let's uncover what lies beneath together.

Trust's Journey - Stage 1: Foundations (Mandatory Introductory Session): The first stage of Trust's Journey focuses on building a solid foundation between the rigger and the client. In this session, clients are introduced to the basic concepts of Shibari, safety, and communication. This initial meeting allows both parties to discuss personal preferences, boundaries, and expectations, setting the groundwork for a trusting and respectful relationship. Trust's Journey - Stage 2: Understanding: In the second stage, clients and the rigger work together to further explore each individual's unique needs, desires, and limits. By delving deeper into these aspects, both the rigger and the client gain a better understanding of one another, allowing for a more tailored and comfortable Shibari experience.
Trust's Journey - Stage 3: Connection: The third stage of Trust's Journey aims to foster a deeper emotional connection between the rigger and the client. In this session, participants engage in trust-building exercises and mindful communication, helping to cultivate an atmosphere of openness and vulnerability that is essential for a successful Shibari journey. Trust's Journey - Stage 4: Trust and Empowerment: The final stage of Trust's Journey focuses on solidifying the bond between the rigger and the client. In this session, clients are guided through more advanced Shibari techniques, allowing them to experience the empowering nature of vulnerability and trust within the context of rope bondage. Upon completing this stage, clients and the rigger will have established a strong foundation of trust, enabling them to confidently move forward with any of the specialized sessions offered by Spiritual Shibari.
Soulful Harmony: This session focuses on exploring the spiritual aspect of Shibari, guiding clients through a journey of inner exploration, self-discovery, and the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. As clients are carefully bound in beautiful rope patterns, they are encouraged to find their center and experience the meditative state that Shibari can induce. Heart's Embrace: Designed for couples or partners, this session helps strengthen the bond of trust, intimacy, and communication. By participating in the art of Shibari together, couples can enhance their connection, learn about each other's boundaries, and experience a deeper sense of closeness.
Sacred Balance: This session emphasizes the harmonious relationship between tension and release, helping clients discover their personal equilibrium. With a focus on breathwork and mindful movement, Sacred Balance guides clients through the dynamic interplay of constriction and freedom in Shibari. Elemental Flow: Inspired by the natural world, this session explores the relationship between the elements and the art of Shibari. Clients are guided through a series of binds and movements that represent earth, water, fire, and air, encouraging them to tap into the primal energies that exist within themselves
Uchū no yūki (宇宙の勇気): A session designed for those who wish to find their own limits and challenge themselves to unlock hidden inner strength, Uchū No Yūki, which translates to "Cosmic Courage," uses Shibari with an emphasis on semenawa—a style that prioritizes the aesthetics of suffering and endurance. By embracing vulnerability and facing their personal boundaries, clients can uncover strength and resilience through this empowering and transformative experience. Ki nawa-tai itchi (気 縄 体 一致): Meaning "Rope, Body, Mind, Spirit as One," Ki Nawa Tai Icchi is a session that aims to unify the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the self through Shibari. Using traditional Japanese Shibari techniques, the rigger will create intricate rope patterns and bindings on the client's body to facilitate a deep sense of unity and balance. This experience fosters mindfulness and awareness of the client's inner self, harmonizing their mind, body, and spirit. The client will feel the unity and connection between their physical and emotional selves through the sensations and experience of the rope bindings.
Sacred Bonding: A session designed for couples who wish to explore the deeper levels of intimacy, Sacred Bonding incorporates Shibari techniques with a focus on the connection between the physical and spiritual aspects of the self. Clients will learn how to tie and be tied in a way that fosters deeper intimacy and connection with their partner, while discovering the power of intentionality and mindfulness in their practice. This session provides a sacred and transformative experience that can help couples unlock their full potential for love, intimacy, and spiritual growth. Circle of Trust: A session designed for groups of friends who wish to deepen their bonds and trust with one another. In this session, clients will learn how to tie and be tied in a way that emphasizes the importance of communication, trust, and vulnerability. Through Shibari techniques, clients will discover how to support one another in reaching new levels of self-discovery and exploration. This session provides a unique and bonding experience that can help foster a deeper sense of trust and connection within the group.
Physical Connection : This session is focused on physical preparation and education, led by MiamiRigger's experienced partner. Clients will learn exercises and stretches to improve their flexibility and reduce the risk of injury during Shibari sessions. The emphasis is on building strength and endurance, and on creating a deeper connection between the rigger and rope bottom. The goal is to enhance the physical experience of Shibari by promoting a deeper sense of trust, comfort, and relaxation. Surrender to empower : This session is designed to help clients develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their spiritual journey through Shibari. Led by an experienced rope bunny, clients will learn the importance of consent, communication, and surrender in the context of Shibari. They will also be guided through various meditation and breathing techniques to help them connect with their inner selves and enhance their overall experience. By surrendering to the ropes, clients can find a new sense of freedom and empowerment, allowing them to explore their spiritual selves in a safe and nurturing environment.


Every session  incorporates multiples technics, intensity and intention.  Here are some of the building blocks of each session



  • Body tension: I will use rope and different tying techniques to create tension in specific parts of the body, such as the chest, arms, and legs. This can help the client to release physical and emotional tension, while also improving flexibility and body awareness.
  • Pressure points: I may use rope to create pressure on certain points of the body, such as the shoulders, neck, or wrists. This can help to relieve pain and tension, as well as stimulate circulation and promote relaxation.
  • Breath control: I may guide you through specific breathing exercises or use rope to control your breathing. This can help  to calm your mind and body, as well as deepen your sense of relaxation and awareness.
  • Meditation: I may incorporate guided meditation techniques or encourage the client to focus on their breath and inner state during the session. This can help the client to achieve a deeper state of mindfulness and self-awareness.


Shibari concepts and techniques


Tsuri (吊り): Meaning "Suspension"

Benefits: Allows for a sense of weightlessness and a new perspective on the body, as well as an exploration of physical and emotional limits.

Yukawaza (柔らかい技): Meaning "Soft Techniques"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes comfort and intimacy, allowing for a deeper connection with the emotional self.

Kuzushi (崩し): Meaning "Unbalancing"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of unbalance in the body, allowing for an exploration of physical and emotional limits.

Naka Akira (中明): Meaning "Middle Light"

Benefits: This technique uses lighting and placement to create a sense of beauty and artistry in the experience.

Kikkou (亀甲): Meaning "Turtle Shell"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of protection and safety around the body, allowing for a deeper exploration of the emotional self in a secure environment.

Hishi (菱): Meaning "Diamond"

Benefits: This technique uses a diamond pattern to create a sense of structure and stability, allowing for a deeper exploration of emotional vulnerabilities.

Ebi (海老): Meaning "Shrimp"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes the beauty of curved lines and the connection between different parts of the body, allowing for a deeper exploration of physical and emotional sensations.

Tengu (天狗): Meaning "Tengu"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes the artistry and playfulness of Shibari, allowing for a lighthearted exploration of physical and emotional limits.

Taki Kote (多軸小手): Meaning "Box Tie"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of containment and control, allowing for a deeper exploration of trust and vulnerability.

Gyaku Ebi (逆海老): Meaning "Reverse Shrimp"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of vulnerability and exposure, allowing for a deeper exploration of trust and surrender.

Karada (体): Meaning "Body"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes the beauty and complexity of the human form, allowing for a deeper appreciation and exploration of the physical self.

Futomomo (太腿): Meaning "Thigh"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes the strength and power of the lower body, allowing for a deeper exploration of physical and emotional boundaries.

Takate Kote (高手小手): Meaning "Box Tie with Arms Raised"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of openness and exposure, allowing for a deeper exploration of trust and vulnerability.

Agura Shibari (胡坐縛り): Meaning "Cross-Legged Shibari"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of symmetry and balance, allowing for a deeper exploration of physical and emotional sensations.

Hojojutsu (捕縄術): Meaning "Binding Techniques"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes the historical and cultural significance of Shibari, allowing for a deeper appreciation of its artistic and spiritual elements.

Sakuranbo Shibari (桜ん坊縛り): Meaning "Cherry Boy Shibari"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes the beauty and delicacy of Shibari, allowing for a playful exploration of physical and emotional sensations.

Edo Akira (江戸明): Meaning "Edo Light"

Benefits: This technique uses lighting to create a sense of artistry and beauty in the experience, allowing for a deeper appreciation of the visual aspects of Shibari.

Gote Shibari (後手縛り): Meaning "Rope on Back Tie"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of support and stability, allowing for a deeper exploration of physical and emotional sensations.

Ushiro Takate Kote (後高手小手): Meaning "Box Tie with Arms Raised Behind the Back"

Benefits: This technique creates a sense of vulnerability and surrender, allowing for a deeper exploration of trust and emotional release.

Hanami Shibari (花見縛り): Meaning "Cherry Blossom Viewing Shibari"

Benefits: This technique emphasizes the beauty and transience of life, allowing for a deeper exploration of the impermanence of physical and emotional sensations

Semenawa (責め縄): This technique focuses on the aesthetics of suffering and endurance, using tight and painful rope patterns to evoke a deeper sense of vulnerability and surrender.

Ichinawa (一縄): This principle emphasizes the power of a single rope, using minimal binding to create a sense of connection and control.

Seme (攻め): Meaning "attack," this principle involves taking control and leading the partner through the experience.

Tori (捕り): Meaning "capture," this principle involves capturing the partner's essence and embodying it through the binding.

Kata Ashi (片足): This technique involves binding one leg, creating a sense of imbalance and vulnerability.

Ebi (海老): This technique involves binding the body in a shrimp-like position, creating a sense of helplessness and surrender.

Tsuri (吊り): Meaning "suspension," this technique involves lifting the partner off the ground using rope, creating a sense of weightlessness and surrender.

Ushiro Takatekote (後手高手小手): This technique involves binding the partner's hands behind their back, creating a sense of vulnerability and surrender.

Gyaku Ebi (逆海老): This technique involves binding the body in a reverse shrimp-like position, creating a sense of tightness and vulnerability.

Hishi (菱): This technique involves creating a diamond pattern with the rope, emphasizing the beauty and elegance of Shibari.

Yukimura Ryu (雪村流): This is a style of Shibari that emphasizes the importance of connection and communication between the rigger and the partner.

Naka Akira (仲明): This is a style of Shibari that emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of trust and safety for the partner.

Gote Shibari (後手縛り): This is a basic style of Shibari that involves binding the partner's hands behind their back.

Ushiro Shibari (後ろ縛り): This is a basic style of Shibari that involves binding the partner's arms and torso from behind.

Hikyaku (飛脚): This technique involves binding the partner in a seated position, emphasizing vulnerability and surrender.